Operation 36 Announces Strategic Partnership With Youth On Course
Garner, NC—Operation 36, which provides beginners with the most effective model and technology to learn to play golf, announces a strategic partnership with Youth on Course, the non-profit organization that provides young people with access to affordable golf, job opportunities, and college scholarships.
Recently, Operation 36 announced their goal of creating 1 million golfers within the next five years, and believes that the partnership with Youth On Course could be instrumental in bringing more Junior Golfers into the sport.
Operation 36 Co-Founder Matt Reagan says, “When you have two organizations that are so committed to creating golfers, andgetting new golfers on the course early and often, there is natural synergy. Making playing golf affordable for juniors creates lessfriction and makes it easier for Golf Professionals to develop new passionate junior golfers. The Youth on Course vision fits sowell with an Operation 36 Program. We are so excited about the partnership and what it can do for the youth and for golfprofessionals that are looking to grow their programming.”
Operation 36 and Youth On Course, both leaders in Junior Golf, will begin their partnership with a pilot program for a select group oflocations. Those selected to participate in the pilot program will receive a stipend from Youth on Course to cover 25% of theOperation 36 annual program license.
In addition, golf professionals will be matched with Youth on Course Volunteer Guides to help support classes and on-courseevents. Since Youth On Course Guides are encouraged to bring new golfers to the course many coaches will see an increasein participation for their programs.
Youth on Course VP of Programs, Michael Lowe says, “This is going to create an amazing leadership opportunity for Youth onCourse members who want to help get more of their friends and kids in their community playing golf. All of us are more likely totry something new if a friend invites us and starting off from 25 yards means beginners have a legitimate shot at a ‘hole-in-one’the first time they step foot on a golf course. Can you imagine? I can’t wait to see how many new people our Youth on CourseGuides help bring into the sport.”
For more information about applying to participate in this pilot program, go to www.operation36.golf.
About Operation 36
Operation 36 is the most effective way for beginners to learn how to play golf. All new players begin on the course, and insteadof starting at the tee box, they play from 25 yards away from the hole. Once the player shoots par (36) from 25 yards, they backup to 50 yards, and so on, until they are shooting even par (36) from the full tee box. Participants engage in weekly classestaught by golf professionals and all progress of the golfers is tracked in the Operation 36 Platform.
It is a fun way to learn to play golf for the beginner, and solves pace of play issues for the facility, while growing rounds of golf.This program is now taught by over 700 coaches across the world at over 500 facilities with over 30,000 golfers.